Monday, March 3, 2008

What God's Been Saying this Week

God has been showing me some cool stuff this week. At the end of the year, He really placed on my heart that this spring I needed to spend working on my relationship with Him and getting so close to Him that nothing can get between me and Him. Naturally that's not the easiest thing on the planet to do and it takes a lifetime, but you have to start sometime. I really just want to get to know Him. Anyway. One of my devotions in My Utmost for His Highest last week was just awesome. It went like this; "The most impossible thing to you is that you should be so identified with the Lord that there is nothing of the old life left. He will do it if you ask Him." Chambers was talking about times when something disturbs your spirit and by yourself there is nothing you can do. It's impossible. You know then, that that disturbance is from God, because "God will do the absolutely impossible." And He will do it to His glory (that's February 29th for you Utmost readers).

And to top that off, in the Interior Castle (chapter 1 of the 5th dwelling), St. Teresa is talking about prayer. In the prayer of mature Christians there comes a point when occasionally while praying we become so absorbed in Him that we basically just stop everything and let Him just be in us for a little while (she calls it the Prayer of Union). She says it much better than I do; "Union lasts such a short time and it seems even shorter than it actually is. God presses Himself so fully against the inside of the soul that when she returns to herself she has no doubt whatsoever that God was in her and she was in God." I know it sounds kinda crazy out of context and I make no claim to be at that point in my walk with God, but I want to be there. To be so close to Him. So close that nothing can keep me from Him. Not busy schedules, not past hurts, not present struggles, not an eating disorder. Nothing. To be so totally His that He can come in and out as He pleases.

But it's hard to get there and sometimes it's scary. It's frightening to give Him everything, because He might not do with it what we would.

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