So. The trip went well. No freaking out, not major attacks, nothing drastic (Thank you everyone who was praying). Saturday I did really well, I have no doubt that I hit my quota. Sunday was a bit more challenging, mostly because I'm still not very good at determining portion sizes and I was pretty much on my own. I ended up a little short, but I was able to make it up when I got home. By the end of the day I was close to 2000 if I didn't actually hit it. Anyways, I feel good about it. I feel like I accomplished something, which sound kinda sappy, but whatever. Once again I weighed in at 101. I'm nt losing any, but I'm not putting any on (I could swear I have been...maybe not so much last week though).
One good thing about going away was that it was sort of a forced reality. I had to cope with not having an exact food schedule and exact protion sizes measured down to the ounce. While I don't think I could keep it up on a regular baisis yet, it was kind of nice. And on top of all that I just had a heck of a time, which is why I went in the first place.
My body is still adjusting to the calorie intake. It's better, but every 2oo calories or so my somach goes haywire and I feel like crap for a couple days. Those are the worst days for me. It's not cool when the thing that's supposed to be making you better actually makes you feel worse for a while. But after a few days it gets better for a while.
Last thing for the night. I want to make a coment on something I wrote in my last post. Some one mentioned this to me and I wanted to make sure I get this across clearly. I have been using a tablespoon of olive oil (or flax seed oil) to help with the calorie intake. However, I don't want it to seem like I'm doing that as a substitute for food, if that makes sense. I guess, if you didn't want to eat you could drink the oil, but personally I think that would be really gross. Anyway, calories are not the only reason for adding the oil. There are certian nutrients that I need (even ore so now) and those oils are excelent sources of those nutrients (omega-3 and other fatty acids that help with mood and hormone production). Also, oil was a terrifying food for me for a while. I didn't want to have it. I was all about the dry salads or a salad with some salsa (10 calories in 2 tbs, so I'd put on 1 tabelspoon and I was good to go). So, adding the oil was a good and necessary step for me. The same thing goes for juice, it's a way to help add the calories and there's lots of good nutrients, but you can't just drink juice (which was another scary food for ask me to drink a cup of juice was like asking me to jump off a cliff...not happening). I was reading the other day that some one like me who should be consuming at least 2400 calories per day should have about 7 teaspoons of oil a day, in some form. Food is essential, but these things help and are an important part of a healthy diet.
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